233 4th Street NW, Box L
Charlottesville, VA 22903
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About 15% of Virginians over 25 have limited literacy skills. Many have learning disabilities and are ashamed of their inability to read. Enrolling in a literacy program takes courage. Those who do enroll are usually hard-working, ambitious men and women who want to change their circumstances, and they voluntarily choose to spend time each week doing something they find difficult. Through our volunteer tutors, we provide these adults a second chance to learn.
In Virginia, an adult who did not complete high school can earn a diploma in two ways: passing the GED® test or by completing the National External Diploma Program (NEDP).
Students enrolled in a GED or NEDP program with Thomas Jefferson Adult Career Education (TJACE) are often referred to us to receive one-on-one support. While LVCA supports adults in these programs, students must be first enrolled with TJACE to take the tests. To register, contact Debie Tuler at 434-961-5467 or by emailing dtuler@pvcc.edu.
What is the NEDP?
The National External Diploma Program® (NEDP) is a hands-on learning program that assesses the high school level skills of adults and out-of-school youth. The NEDP evaluates the reading, writing, math, and workforce readiness skills with real-world relevance.
Assesses high school-level skills awarding a traditional diploma so graduates can meet their academic and career goals.
Designed for self-directed out-of-school youth and adults with life and work experiences and a general familiarity with the computer.
Offers flexible scheduling and confidentiality.
Includes tasks for in-demand career and lifelong learning experiences in Financial Literacy, Health Literacy, Civic Literacy, Geography, History, Science, and Twenty-First Century Workplace.
Evaluates skills based on the Common Core College and Career Readiness standards.
What is the GED® test?
The GED® test measures a student’s educational level on a variety of core subjects in a computer-based assessment. By passing the GED® test, students are demonstrating that they have the same academic knowledge as a typical high school graduate. The computer-based GED® test has four subject areas: mathematics, reasoning through language arts, science, and social studies. Each subject tests your skills and knowledge in these four areas. Questions are a combination of multiple-choice, “drag and drop,” fill in the blank, short answer, and extended response.
Basic Literacy Learner Level Guide - Guidelines for Basic Literacy instruction broken down by levels.