There are many resources on the internet to help you study for your naturalization test. LVCA has gathered the materials that we think are the most helpful.
Citizenship Classes -- LVCA offers beginner and intermediate level, small-group citizenship classes throughout the year. Classes vary in length and subject. Classes are open to anyone within the community who is within two years of applying for US citizenship.
LVCA U.S. Citizenship Handbook: This booklet provides an overview of the citizenship process and test along with the “100 Questions”. A great way for students to study while on the go. Students and tutors can pick up a physical copy in our office.
YouTube videos with reading, writing, N400, and civics practice.
Textbooks - Students in our citizenship program will have access to appropriately leveled textbooks to use either in class or with a tutor.
Audio Files: Save the audio to your Files app to listen without Wi-Fi,
International Rescue Committee (IRC) Charlottesville Office
(434) 979-7772
The IRC is accredited by the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals and can provide low-cost assistance in filling out and filing the N-400 Application for Naturalization. The IRC can also help with family reunification petitions and permanent residency. You do not need to have refugee status to get citizenship application assistance from the IRC.
Sin Barreras/Without Barriers
(434) 531-0104
Sin Barreras is a Charlottesville-based non-profit that focuses on outreach to the immigrant (primarily Hispanic) community, connecting individuals to services. Sin Barreras hosts workshops, provides individual legal consultations, and provides immigration and citizenship application services.